IAPCO Celebrates 50th Anniversary AM&GA in Basel

Donnerstag, 23.03.2017
The International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO)’s Golden Anniversary Annual Meeting and General Assembly (AM&GA) will be organised by its member Congrex Switzerland at the Congress Center Basel, from 14-17 February 2019. The announcement was made during the recent Annual Meeting in Dubai, which took place from 16-19 February. The Swiss bid was organised […]

The International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO)’s Golden Anniversary Annual Meeting and General Assembly (AM&GA) will be organised by its member Congrex Switzerland at the Congress Center Basel, from 14-17 February 2019.

The announcement was made during the recent Annual Meeting in Dubai, which took place from 16-19 February. The Swiss bid was organised by IAPCO members Congrex Switzerland & MCI Group with support from the Government of the Canton Basel-Stadt, the Swiss Convention & Incentive Bureau, the Basel Tourism & Convention Bureau, the Congress Center Basel, as well as the Municipality of Montreux and Montreux Riviera for the Council Meeting prior to the Annual Meeting.

„The Government of the Canton Basel-Stadt is delighted that IAPCO has decided to hold its 50th Annual Meeting and General Assembly in 2019 in Basel and congratulates all supporting parties involved in the successful bid“ says Councillor Christoph Brutschin.

Alain Pittet, Managing Director of Congrex Switzerland, adds: „I am proud that we have been elected host of the IAPCO Annual Meeting in 2019. Together with our partners and supporters we will showcase Basel and Switzerland as an ideal event destination to the world’s leading Professional Conference Organisers.“
