Abbit Multi-Hub Meetings brought 350 health professionals located in 18 cities across Spain together into one meeting. The cost per person has been less than a taxi fare to the airport, the company claimes.
With eight opinion leaders presenting from Barcelona, Valencia, San Sebastian, Oviedo, Madrid and Alicante, the 3hr medical meeting has been a fully interactive event.
Multi-Hub meetings connects several meetings in different locations in a high-tech and dynamic way so it should feel like one real meeting. It is a new hybrid meeting format. The idea is to come closest to face to face interaction. It requires a temporary set-up in any meeting room of any building. Interaction includes global voting, breakout meetings, chat groups, verbal or text questions.
Key benefits according to Abbit: More participants, less travel, more interaction, less out of office, more sustainable, less risk, more impact, less accommodation.