ESMO 2016 – largest congress ever hosted in Copenhagen

Friday, 07.10.2016
October, 7th. 20,000 scientists, doctors and specialists from more than 130 countries are gathering in Copenhagen to improve the quality of care for all cancer patients at The European Society for Medical Oncology congress ESMO. ESMO 2016 is the largest congress of its kind ever hosted on Danish soil. The fact that 2016 is going […]

October, 7th. 20,000 scientists, doctors and specialists from more than 130 countries are gathering in Copenhagen to improve the quality of care for all cancer patients at The European Society for Medical Oncology congress ESMO. ESMO 2016 is the largest congress of its kind ever hosted on Danish soil.

The fact that 2016 is going to make it to the history books as the busiest congress year Copenhagen has ever seen, is extra visible the next four days when 20,000 – out of the total number of the 100,000 delegates who are expected to the city this year – are attending the oncology congress ESMO2016.

Copenhagen is a knowledge hub, and the region’s position within life science is one of the reasons to why the city has been chosen as the back-drop for this year’s ESMO congress. Within the field of cancer treatment, Denmark is especially excelling on the patient care area, which ties directly into ESMO 2016’s motto: “From disease treatment to patient care.”