This year´s ibtm world will take place from November 29th to December 1st 2016 in Barcelona, Spain. Ibtm world’s Knowledge Programme, held in the ACS Knowledge Village, is set to deliver a line-up of international speakers over the 3 days of the show. Following a research with the industry, the content has been developed to reflect the needs of both exhibitors, Hosted Buyers and visitors. The content will provide up to date education for all attendees and has been created for the industry, by the industry.
As part of the ibtm Knowledge Programme, the new theme of Industry Trends will kick off with a topical session: The Impact of Brexit featuring James Heappey, MP and Chair, All party Parliamentary Group for Events, UK Parliament. The session will discuss and debate the possible impacts of Brexit on the global meetings industry and the panel will be on hand to answer questions and offer their views on the matter.
“The line-up for our Knowledge Programme is impressive this year, we have fantastic speakers and content which is highly topical, we introduced the new themes and this has given us a clear structure of content which is relevant to everyone attending ibtm world this year”, said Graeme Barnett, Senior Exhibition Director, ibtm world, “The 7 themes as part of the Knowledge Programme are particularly innovative and all topics are at the forefront of the event planners’ educational needs.”