Multi-language webinars for conferences

Friday, 13.10.2017
The new Tywi-Web Interpreter by Translate Your World is a software that converts global conferences and events into a United Nations style experience in many languages. The software enables interpreters to log in, instantly interpret in real time, and share the translation with listeners online and on-site, without special equipment or telephone numbers. The organizer […]

The new Tywi-Web Interpreter by Translate Your World is a software that converts global conferences and events into a United Nations style experience in many languages. The software enables interpreters to log in, instantly interpret in real time, and share the translation with listeners online and on-site, without special equipment or telephone numbers. The organizer distributes a web link for translation along with the webinar meeting link. The webinar attendees click the link to view the interpretation. People gathered in a room can listen on their own devices, loudspeakers or headphones.

Sue Reager, president of Translate Your World, explains: “At the United Nations, for example, people hear the speaker at the podium, and they also hear the interpreter clearly and loudly through their headphones. Tywi-Web Interpreter recreates the same experience. The audience hears a blending of the original event along with the interpretation, thus retaining the atmosphere, personality, music and laughter of the original.”