PERSONNEL News first: Editor-in-Chief Christian Funk has decided to leave CIM at the end of the month to pursue new professional challenges. His successor is business editor Christiane Engelhardt who holds a degree in tourism management. The media and sales expert Andreas Huber had already been appointed to fill the vacancy for a publishing director at CIM last June.
POSITION The smooth reshuffle will strengthen the journal as it sharpens its profile and position dynamically within a challenging market and media environment. The outgoing Editor-in-Chief leaves behind a solid and fruitful editorial basis: “CIM is well-prepared for a dynamic leap into the future: I would warmly like to thank Christian Funk for his excellent work,” says the new Publishing Director Meetings Andreas Huber.
PROFILE “We are well-prepared to further develop and boost the quality of our journalism, our acceptance by and relevance for the industry as well as our good standing on the media market,” adds Martin Weber, Managing Director of CIM’s parent company, the DVV Media Group: “We are currently working intensively on optimising our contents and cross-media approach to ensure an outstanding presence of the CIM media brand.” Co-founder and publisher Ursula Steffan concludes for the leading journal’s anniversary year: “New beginnings, challenges, permanent change. Being creative with courage, enthusiasm and visions. This goes both for the entire meetings industry and for our magazine. For three decades.“
CHRISTIANE ENGELHARDT | The new Editor-in-Chief (from 15 September 2016) of CIM – Conference and Incentive Management – initially trained as a travel agent (German National Tourist Board, Frankfurt), holds a degree in tourism management (FH Worms) and qualified as a business editor at the Axel Springer school for journalists (Welt am Sonntag, BILD, Hamburger Abendblatt). The expert for journalistic storytelling has worked as an agency partner, author and journalist for business and trade media and in the field of corporate publishing as well as being a communication and PR consultant. By entering the MICE sector she is returning to her journalistic roots – as a student she had already done some freelancing for CIM and written her diploma thesis on journalism in the meetings and congress industry.
ANDREAS HUBER | The new Publishing Director Meetings (since 01 June 2016) of T&M Media (a wholly owned subsidiary of the DVV Media Group) holds a degree in business administration (FH Biberach) and worked for Schwäbisch Media (formerly: Medienhaus Schwäbischer Verlag) for many years as a product manager, key account property seller and later as a digital sales director. The expert for digital transformation and online marketing then switched to MVR Media Vermarktung Rheinland GmbH (publishing house: M. DuMont Schauberg), where he was the head of a team responsible for ensuring the smooth transition to digital media processes. As a consultant partner for accuo training he offered companies advice and support for digital projects. What he likes most about his new management position with CIM is the dynamism and media potential of the MICE industry.