SITE International. A joint initiative of Financial & Insurance Conference Professionals (FICP), Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) and Society for Incentive Travel Excellence (SITE), the Incentive Travel Industry Index (ITII) consolidates previous research undertaken individually by each association into a single, pan-industry study.
For the next three years, until 2021, the initiative will be partnering with Oxford Economics, an independent research company, well known to global incentive travel professionals for its extensive work with the Events Industry Council (EIC), US Travel Association and Meetings Mean Business coalition.
The study is at once a historical snapshot of where the industry has come from and a predictive hypothesis of where it’s going. Here are the top 5 takeaways from Incentive Travel Industry Index year one, by SITE CEO Didier Scaillet, CIS, CITP
To create public advocacy for the incentive travel sector once again, every #IncentiveTravelProf is called to participate in this survey.