CIM: Which five criteria are mandatory for the destination of your general assembly with 2.500 delegates?
Armstrong: Our five criteria for the assembly are: active national Society, safety for delegates (95 percent women), affordable prices (London prices or lower), can hold the meeting in one venue (must have four rooms holding at least 300 people plus main plenary room plus exhibition area 2,000 sq metres) and attractive to exhibitors/sponsors.
CIM: Who decides about destination and venue?
Armstrong: Destination is ultimately decided by the Board of the incorporated subsidiary of ISNCC.
CIM: How may years do you plan in advance?
Armstrong: Currently planning 4 years in advance.
CIM: Which support do you expect from convention bureaus and congress centres?
Armstrong: Expect support in terms of planning receptions, AV services, delegate marketing, room allocations, places of interest, local suppliers e.g. printing, flowers, social programme, accommodation. Also, financial support for Welcome Reception and plenary room.
CIM: Please share with us your best congress experience –
Armstrong: Our best congress experience was Sydney in 2004 for both organisation and location.
CIM: – and your worst.
Armstrong: We not really had a worst, but the attendance was very low when conference held in Jerusalem in 1998.
CIM: Thank you very much for the interview, Mrs. Armstrong.