Annie Kristi Korsmo takes the helm at the VisitOslo Convention Bureau

Tuesday, 15.09.2015
Oslo. After 25 years managing the VisitOslo Convention Bureau, Anne Wallin Rødven retires this September. “Oslo has so much to offer,” says VisitOSLO’s Anne Wallin Rødven. “And new museums, iconic buildings, meeting facilities and hotels are now making Oslo one of the most exciting capitals in Europe. During my 25 years as Convention Director, I […]

Oslo. After 25 years managing the VisitOslo Convention Bureau, Anne Wallin Rødven retires this September. “Oslo has so much to offer,” says VisitOSLO’s Anne Wallin Rødven. “And new museums, iconic buildings, meeting facilities and hotels are now making Oslo one of the most exciting capitals in Europe. During my 25 years as Convention Director, I have never seen so much happen in such a short period of time.”

But the bureau is in good hands. Rødven’s successor, Annie Kristi Korsmo, has extensive experience from Oslo’s hotel industry, and comes from the position as Deputy General Manager at the city’s second largest hotel, the Clarion Hotel Royal Christiania. “I am so thrilled and excited,” says Annie; “this is really a dream job”. “Anne’s are big shoes to fill, but with a dedicated team and a city that has so much to offer, I am sure that we will be successful also in the future”.

Anne Wallin Rødven adds; “Annie is the perfect person for the job, her background is very strong, and she knows Oslo and our partners very well. As for me, I know that I will miss my industry colleagues at home and around the world, but I hope to be able keep in touch”.