Beijing: Graduates from MPI’s Global Training honoured

Friday, 24.02.2012
Partnership. China’s most recent graduates from MPI’s Global Training course in Beijing were honoured by Meeting Professionals International (MPI) leaders attending a celebration with delegates from Beijing Tourism Administration (BTA). MPI entered into a partnership with BTA in 2010 with the intent of developing meetings, incentives, conferences and events education for Chinese professionals. MPI works […]

Partnership. China’s most recent graduates from MPI’s Global Training course in Beijing were honoured by Meeting Professionals International (MPI) leaders attending a celebration with delegates from Beijing Tourism Administration (BTA). MPI entered into a partnership with BTA in 2010 with the intent of developing meetings, incentives, conferences and events education for Chinese professionals. MPI works with the Hong Kong Polytechnic Institute as well as globally experienced trainers, experts and organizations to deliver its certificate program in Global Training at a variety of levels.