Berlin as good deal

Sunday, 16.03.2008
Benchmark. On a European scale, the German capital has been suffering from a price decline since 2006 (minus 3.5 percent): In 2007 a room in Berlin only cost 90 euros on average, compared with 191 euros in London, 211 euros in Paris and 107 euros in Prague. For the next three years Deloitte will continue […]

Benchmark. On a European scale, the German capital has been suffering from a price decline since 2006 (minus 3.5 percent): In 2007 a room in Berlin only cost 90 euros on average, compared with 191 euros in London, 211 euros in Paris and 107 euros in Prague. For the next three years Deloitte will continue to operate the German hotel benchmark, into which 700 members of the German hotel association IHA feed their data. The overview of occupation rates, room prices and room sales is free for hotels.