Business Events Adelaide replaces Adelaide Convention Bureau

Wednesday, 09.11.2022

After 48 years, Adelaide Convention Bureau has rebranded and repositioned to Business Events Adelaide.

Many events of Business Events Adelaide will take place in the Convention Center close to the Parklands; photo: wagjm/pixabay

Adelaide Convention Bureau (ACB) has a new name: After 48 years, event planners have to get used to “Business Events Adelaide”. CEO Damien Kitto says the new name far better reflects what the organisation does and removes the ambiguity of it being erroneously related to tourism and major events.

“Business Events Adelaide is first and foremost an economic driver for Adelaide and South Australia,” he said. “Business events fill hotel rooms, venues, restaurants etc but our valued business delegates spend three times more each day ($632) than a tourist or a major events visitor and that is an important differentiation. They also leave a strong economic tail from their visit.”

Due to Mr Kitto, Business Events Adelaide will attract business events including meetings, conventions, conferences, exhibitions, seminars, symposiums and corporate incentives. “It is refreshing to have the opportunity to rebrand such a successful SA organisation for the future.”

Susanne Layh