Dialogue Day 2009 – The German Meetings- & Events Conference

Friday, 09.01.2009
Essen. Modern, Different, Innovative – that’s the motto of the German Meetings and Events conference. Here you will find seminars, workshops and educational sessions. This is the place to be whether you are a died‐in‐the‐wool meeting planner, young revolutionary or pioneering student. Lateral thinking is the name of the game mixed with the latest research […]

Essen. Modern, Different, Innovative – that’s the motto of the German Meetings and Events conference. Here you will find seminars, workshops and educational sessions. This is the place to be whether you are a died‐in‐the‐wool meeting planner, young revolutionary or pioneering student.

Lateral thinking is the name of the game mixed with the latest research and spiced up with scientific analysis. Above all: Dynamic! The Dialog Day 2009 is brought to you by MPI Germany in conjunction with the Congress Center Essen. Held at the beginning of each year, the focus is firmly placed on innovative meeting design, alternative learning strategies and the latest meeting technologies.

The aim of the Dialogue Day is to break out of the loop of conventional thinking and to solve upcoming challenges by considering them from new perspectives. At the same time, meeting professionals can test for themselves ground‐breaking concepts within a neutral environment and be able to take the results and experiences gained for implementation in their everyday work. www.mpigermany.de