ECM Autumn Conference: „Not a tourism conference“

Friday, 17.09.2021
At the European Cities Marketing (ECM) Online Autumn Conference, which will be held September 23-24, 2021, attendees should deliberately expose and challenge themselves and their colleagues to seek inspiration from both within and beyond the tourism industry. „This may not be a tourism conference, as we know it, but it is a conference for all […]

At the European Cities Marketing (ECM) Online Autumn Conference, which will be held September 23-24, 2021, attendees should deliberately expose and challenge themselves and their colleagues to seek inspiration from both within and beyond the tourism industry. „This may not be a tourism conference, as we know it, but it is a conference for all DMOs professionals,“ ECM claims.

According to ECM, attendees will join for two immersive days of exploring decarbonization and what this means to tourism and the role of DMOs. There will be engagement in discussions around tourism and stereotypes, or how to develop more accountable tourism and participatory destination management.

Attendees will be encouraged to make sense of their destinations together with the 70 speakers and facilitators in formats like Outside-Incomers and Frameworkers, or when zooming into their Horizones and buckling up for Fasterclasses, Disasterclasses and high energy Cross-inspires, or while seeking inspiration numerous Case Clubs presented by ECM member cities.

Among the 70+ speakers are: Avinash Chandarana, Global Learning and Development Director at MCI Group, Erin Francis-Cummings, CEO at Destination Analysts, Ed Gillespie, Insultant at The Futurenauts, Dr. Dirk Glaesser, Director of Sustainable Development of Tourism at UNWTO, Freya Higgins-Desbiolles, Adjunct Senior Lecturer in Tourism at UniSA Business, University of South Australia & Adjunct Professor at University of Waterloo, Carmelo Ignaccolo, Doctoral Researcher in Urban Planning at MIT, Stephanie M. Jones, Founder at National Blacks in Travel & Tourism Collaborative, Leena Lassila, Director Global Sales at Helsinki Marketing, Rodney Payne, CEO at Destination Think, Nicolas Popoff, Business Development Manager at Riot Games & Matthias Schultze, Managing Director at GCB German Convention Bureau.

Programme and registration links can be found on the ECM Website:

Registration is open until September 21, 2021 for #ThisIsNotATourismConference. For the first time there has been a Pre-Conference on September 16 to warm up for industry and DMO Stakeholders.
