Brussels. The face of the European Parliament is starting to look very different as a result of the recent elections, with sweeping changes across the board that affect how we all do business.
Delegate bookings are now open for the 2009 ESAE annual congress. This year’s event will focus on the complex shifts in European decision-making and will look at current trends in governance, innovation, policy, and technology – and how these affect the running of your association. A range of top-end industry speakers will lead discussions focusing on the changing nature of European institutions, the benefits of partnersh ips and global alliance and successes and best practice at the national level.
Speaker-led workshops and informal discussions will shape the debate. See the draft congress programme for further details. The event will begin with a networking drinks reception and gala dinner on the night of Wednesday 21 October, followed by a full day of debate at the Hotel Amigo, in the heart of Brussels. Stay on top of the institutions and issues that matter to your association in Europe.
Find out more about attendance packages and overnight accommodation options: