FutureWatch: We will meet closer to home

Thursday, 14.01.2010
Research. Meetings will be located closer to home and fewer participants will travel long distances to get onsite. These are two of the major findings of FutureWatch, the annual research published by Meeting Professionals International (MPI) and American Express. “As our businesses shift from the mindset of survive to thrive, it’s imperative that we have […]

Research. Meetings will be located closer to home and fewer participants will travel long distances to get onsite. These are two of the major findings of FutureWatch, the annual research published by Meeting Professionals International (MPI) and American Express. “As our businesses shift from the mindset of survive to thrive, it’s imperative that we have the ability to analyze relevant data and translate it into business success,” says MPI Chief Executive Officer Bruce MacMillan. FutureWatch evaluates the global perspective of both planners and suppliers alike. Some of the additional key trends include meeting performance for host organisations keeping its importance as a major focus for planners.
