Meetings with the ball

Monday, 20.02.2006
Maritim.Even if 16 of the 36 Maritim Hotels in Germany are partly booked by FIFA, you can still stage meetings there. To tie in with the World Cup, the hotel chain offers team building activities like goal-shooting contests and soccer tournaments. Maritim Frankfurt and Maritim Kurhaushotel Bad Homburg, for example, arrange World Cup 2006 Games. […]

Maritim.Even if 16 of the 36 Maritim Hotels in Germany are partly booked by FIFA, you can still stage meetings there. To tie in with the World Cup, the hotel chain offers team building activities like goal-shooting contests and soccer tournaments. Maritim Frankfurt and Maritim Kurhaushotel Bad Homburg, for example, arrange World Cup 2006 Games. In Darmstadt there will be a Motivation Day with triple Ironman World Champion Kai Röckert taking centre stage. Maritimhotel Dresden, slated to open in May, will offer outdoor training programmes in the Elbsandsteingebirge Mountains to promote team spirit and trust.