Record breaking numbers at the World Gas Conference 2012

Friday, 20.07.2012
Kuala Lumpur. On June 9th, the World Gas Conference 2012 in Kuala Lumpur ended after a successful 25th anniversary. The theme chosen for the conference in Malaysia is “Gas: Sustaining Future Global Growth” and gathers global gas and energy leaders from around the world. This year, the world-class conference has attracted a record breaking number […]

Kuala Lumpur. On June 9th, the World Gas Conference 2012 in Kuala Lumpur ended after a successful 25th anniversary. The theme chosen for the conference in Malaysia is “Gas: Sustaining Future Global Growth” and gathers global gas and energy leaders from around the world. This year, the world-class conference has attracted a record breaking number of 5,299 delegates from 90 countries and 13,803 visitors to the exhibition, including exhibitors from 43 countries around the globe. The conference itself has attracted over 712 abstracts – another record number for International Gas Union (IGU) and World Gas Conference 2012 (WGC2012).

The WGC2012 marks the 25th anniversary of the World Gas Conference. Supported by Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB), it is a significant milestone for Malaysia as this is only the second time in the IGU’s 80-year history that WGC is held in Asia, and for the first time in Southeast Asia. To celebrate the occasion, the organising committee has put together the inaugural Kuala Lumpur International Music & Light Festival with performances from some of the best ethnic bands from this region. These shows were made spectacular with the display of lights and fireworks each night of the conference.

Another significant mark for WGC in Malaysia is the introduction for the first time, a Youth Forum. About 216 youth from around the world were invited to share their views, hopes and aspirations with regards to the gas industry, befitting the theme of this year’s event. The inclusion of young people is part of a wider objective of the 2009 – 2012 Triennium to enthuse the younger generation and to ensure a constant pipeline of fresh talent into the industry.

The conference in Kuala Lumpur was held from 4th to 8th June, 2012 at the country’s prestigious and award-winning business events facility, the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.