Sallie Coventry to act as “Mentor” for Fast Forward 15

Friday, 30.01.2015
Initiative. Sallie Coventry, Portfolio Director ibtm events is to be a “mentor” for Fast Forward 15, a new industry initiative created by Fay Sharpe, managing director of Zibrant. Coventry will join 12 other influential senior event and hospitality industry experts who will devote their time to mentoring “the most talented, rising females joining the industry”. […]

Initiative. Sallie Coventry, Portfolio Director ibtm events is to be a “mentor” for Fast Forward 15, a new industry initiative created by Fay Sharpe, managing director of Zibrant. Coventry will join 12 other influential senior event and hospitality industry experts who will devote their time to mentoring “the most talented, rising females joining the industry”. The names of those selected from a formal application process will be announced at a launch event in London on 20th March. A not for profit and free venture, FF15 is “unique to the event and hospitality industry” said founder Fay Sharpe.

“Having worked in this industry for many years and alongside Fay, I was delighted to accept her invitation and to give whatever I can from my personal experience to those just beginning – I congratulate Faye on this initiative and as a women who has been given opportunities to succeed in this industry, I hope that I can bring some benefit as a mentor,” said Coventry.

The Fast Forward 15 mentoring programme provides mentoring for a selected group of 15 mentees from within the events and hospitality sector. The programme runs for a 12 month period during which the mentees will have regular access to their mentors to work together to achieve objectives and goals and overcome challenges.  The programme includes 3 group workshops and monthly one to one mentoring and concludes with a graduation ceremony.