SITE Foundation Commits Investments for Research and Education

Monday, 07.11.2016
The Society for Incentive Excellence (SITE) Foundation promises to deliver more valuable research, education and certification to SITE members worldwide in 2017, as well as to the broader incentive travel industry and global business community. The primary role of the Foundation and its Board of Trustees is to drive fundraising initiatives to facilitate research and […]

The Society for Incentive Excellence (SITE) Foundation promises to deliver more valuable research, education and certification to SITE members worldwide in 2017, as well as to the broader incentive travel industry and global business community.

The primary role of the Foundation and its Board of Trustees is to drive fundraising initiatives to facilitate research and curriculum development for the incentive travel community. Its three annual events – SITE Classic, SITE Nite Europe and SITE Nite North America – are networking events that provide the majority of the Foundation’s funding. SITE Nite North America, one of the events of IMEX America week, sold out with more than 1200 people in attendance. And, for a second year the Foundation hosted Auction 2.0, where the public was invited to bid on 75 travel experiences – more than 4500 people visited the online site raising more than $110,000.

“On behalf of the Foundation Trustees, I would like to thank all of our sponsors and guests for their generous support of our fundraising initiatives this year. We are thrilled with the exceptional results achieved, surpassing our goals and raising more than $425,000 for future investments for our members and the incentive travel industry. For 2017, our successful fundraising has created the largest volume of grant approval in the Foundation’s history,” stated Foundation president, Denise Dornfeld, CIS, chairperson, AlliedPRA.