Site: On the verge of Cape Town Conference

Monday, 18.10.2010
Cape Town. The Site International Conference 2010 will be held from 4 to 7 December in the Cape Town International Convetion Center. It features more in-person educational programming than in recent history, including four keynote presentations. The opening keynote features former South Africa President and Nobel Laureate FW de Klerk, to inspire delegates to make […]

Cape Town. The Site International Conference 2010 will be held from 4 to 7 December in the Cape Town International Convetion Center. It features more in-person educational programming than in recent history, including four keynote presentations. The opening keynote features former South Africa President and Nobel Laureate FW de Klerk, to inspire delegates to make bold decisions and become an agent of change.
Site’s educational line-up also includes: six in-depth breakout sessions, Voice of the Industry interactive debates on hot topics in the industry as selected by Site delegates and a business summary with Site CEO Brenda Anderson to provide Site delegates with key take-aways for sharing with colleagues or clients.  The Site International Conference will also celebrate the strength of our members and partnerships. We look forward to recognizing our industry colleagues who use motivational experiences as powerful tools that provide a significant, measurable return on investment — join us for events like the Welcome Block Party and Site Honors Gala. Learn more about the current schedule of events