Stuttgart puts agenda on the web

Tuesday, 04.06.2002
The convention department of Stuttgart Fair has decided to put its virtual agenda on the web permanently instead of just once a month. Planners will find all the bookable dates for the next twelve months at Liederhalle Culture and Convention Centre and Messe Congress Centrum Stuttgart (MCCS). For the 50th anniversary of the federal state […]

The convention department of Stuttgart Fair has

decided to put its virtual agenda on the web permanently instead of just once a

month. Planners will find all the bookable dates for the next twelve months at

Liederhalle Culture and Convention Centre and Messe Congress Centrum Stuttgart

(MCCS). For the 50th anniversary of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg and

the exhibition ERDE (EARTH) 2.0 there will be special conditions for all events

in the MCCS from 14 June to 28 July 2002