“Talents should be kept firmly on the ground”

Monday, 24.11.2008
CIM: Tom, what is a talent?Hulton: Having been in the meetings industry for 13 years and in the hospitality industry for nearly 40 years, I am convinced that people are both born with talent and also can develop it. I have come across many young people who naturally display many of the characteristics of leadership […]

CIM: Tom, what is a talent?
Hulton: Having been in the meetings industry for 13 years and in the hospitality industry for nearly 40 years, I am convinced that people are both born with talent and also can develop it. I have come across many young people who naturally display many of the characteristics of leadership from great communications skills to vision, to initiative. Of all the talents that define great leadership, I would rate passion – passion for your job and passion for everything that you stand for as being the most important.

How do we win them for our industry?
We have to recognise that the meetings industry is but one industry competing for talented young people around the world. The financial and legal sector approach the best and brightest students at university. Our industry should be no different and we should be making every effort to promote the real benefits of our industry to these young people. After all, they are the future and our industry deserves the very best talents available.

… and how do we keep them?
Over recent years, a number of initiatives have taken place aimed at motivating young people to join our industry. For example, the IMEX MPI Future leaders Forum is now being held in 14 different countries every year and of the 2,500 students who have attended, over 75 percent have indicated that as a result of the Forum, they would now be more likely to consider the meetings industry as a career. Many of them  have gained excellent jobs in the industry. It is encouraging to see many more companies taking an active interest in such initiatives. Internships and graduate management schemes are critical in convincing the students of our industry.

Do suppliers care enough about them?

Suppliers in our industry are quickly realizing the value of employing the high potentials and are creating great opportunities for their advancement. But the companies that I have admired and that have succeeded are those that ensure the feet of these bright and talented young employees are kept firmly on the ground and made aware of the benefit of gaining real ‘hands on’ experience. 

If you think of CEOs in the industry that really care about education, which five will come immediately to your mind?
Anthony Wong (AOS Conventions & Events), Pieter van der Hoeven (Adelaide Convention Centre, retired 2006), Christian Mutschlechner (Vienna Convention Bureau), Jurriaen Sleijster (MCI) and Ray Bloom (IMEX). The wonderful thing about this industry is the talent – not only at the bottom but at the top and I have been very privileged to know many of these people. I truly believe that the future of our industry, resting in the hands of these exceptional young talents and guided by our many excellent CEO’s around the world, looks really promising.
