Velo-city 2026: Rimini will host the world cycling summit

Wednesday, 31.01.2024
The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) has announced that the City of Rimini has won the bid to host the 2026 edition of the Velo-city conference.
Photo: Unsplash

Photo: Unsplash

Marking its return to Italy for the first time since 1991, ECF chose Rimini in recognition of its “remarkable transformation from a car-oriented to a sustainable, liveable, and healthy city for all”. The conference is scheduled to take place from 16-19 June 2026.

In its application, Rimini convened an coalition of partners, including ECF’s member FIAB, which played a prominent role in securing the bid, and ANCI, the National Association of Italian Municipalities. The 2026 edition will be jointly organised by the City of Rimini, the AIM Group, and ECF.

Velo-city is the global cycling conference, attracting over 1,500 delegates from more than 60 countries. In 2023, the 30th edition of the world cycling summit was held in Leipzig, Germany. Following Ghent in 2024 and Gdansk in 2025, Rimini will be the next city in line to host Velo-city.

Rimini aims to seize the opportunity of the conference to further boost and focus its efforts on improving the city’s cycling strategy and discover innovative solutions and best practices that could inspire its actions in this direction.