Women power

Sunday, 28.05.2006
Riga. Igors Klapenkovs, Riga Director, and Richard Baerug, Director Communications & Markets, have added some female power to their team. Their new staff members are Oksana Duvalka as Corporate Meetings & Incentives Manager and Brigita Stroda in the position of International Congress & Media-Manager. Laura Zelca is now project co-ordinator. www.inspirationriga.lv

Riga. Igors Klapenkovs, Riga Director, and Richard Baerug, Director Communications & Markets, have added some female power to their team. Their new staff members are Oksana Duvalka as Corporate Meetings & Incentives Manager and Brigita Stroda in the position of International Congress & Media-Manager. Laura Zelca is now project co-ordinator. www.inspirationriga.lv