20 years of DeGefest

Monday, 10.05.2004
The German Society for the Development of the Seminar and Meetings Industry (DeGefest) will celebrate its 20th anniversary with a convention from 23 to 25 June 2004 at Novotel Berlin-Mitte. Its motto: “In the Service of Seminar and Meeting Quality for 20 Years”. Since 1996 the DeGefest Institute has certified convention centres. www.degefest.de

The German Society for the Development of the Seminar and Meetings Industry (DeGefest) will celebrate its 20th anniversary with a convention from 23 to 25 June 2004 at Novotel Berlin-Mitte. Its motto: “In the Service of Seminar and Meeting Quality for 20 Years”. Since 1996 the DeGefest Institute has certified convention centres. www.degefest.de