Anniversary: Twenty Years Of Parthen, Bart Heinrichs cuts back

Thursday, 28.05.2009
Amstelveen/NL. On June 1st, 1989 Bart Heinrichs started Parthen Presentatie, the first congress and meeting essentials supplier in the Benelux. From day one Bart focused on live events. In 1997 a whole software department was incorporated, Parthen IMpact, soon to be followed by Parthen Registration & Staffing. From a trading enterprise Parthen grew into a […]

Amstelveen/NL. On June 1st, 1989 Bart Heinrichs started Parthen Presentatie, the first congress and meeting essentials supplier in the Benelux. From day one Bart focused on live events. In 1997 a whole software department was incorporated, Parthen IMpact, soon to be followed by Parthen Registration & Staffing. From a trading enterprise Parthen grew into a role of general service provider for congresses and events. In 2000 Parthen became what it is today: the meeting services company, showing its own face all over Europe.

After Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Iceland, Switzerland and Italy, Parthen has now extended its business to Slovenia. For Parthen this is a unique partnership with the Slovenian congress organiser GoMice. For the first time in the history of Parthen a partnership will take the form of an agency.
GoMice also decided to acquire Parthen’s Eventure software to support its own PCO activities.Kongres, the leading trade journal in Southeast Europe. For the first time in the history of Parthen a partnership will take the form of an agency. GoMice also decided to acquire Parthen’s Eventure software to support its own PCO activities.

After twenty years of building Parthen into what it is today, our founder, director and owner Bart Heinrichs has decided to withdraw himself from the day to day operation of Parthen. The new management will be formed by a wellknown tandem, Roel Frissen and Jaap Bakker, who have been working at Parthen for 6 and 10 years, respectively.

Parthen has 21 employees and is 2009 sponsor of:  MPI European Meetings and Events Conference, Torino, Italy, MPI Gulf Meetings and Events Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, MPI The Netherlands Chapter, The Netherlands (Gold Sponsor), MPI BE Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, 48th ICCA Congress & Exhibition, Florence, Italy.