Australia: Business Events Strategy Implementation Group founded

Tuesday, 12.05.2009
Canberra. The Minister for Tourism, The Hon. Martin Ferguson AM, MP has established the Business Events Strategy Implementation Group (BESIG). This group is made up of representatives from industry associations, organisations in the Business Events sector and Tourism Australia. The group will hold its first meeting on 18 May 2009 in Sydney and will then […]

Canberra. The Minister for Tourism, The Hon. Martin Ferguson AM, MP has established the Business Events Strategy Implementation Group (BESIG). This group is made up of representatives from industry associations, organisations in the Business Events sector and Tourism Australia. The group will hold its first meeting on 18 May 2009 in Sydney and will then meet twice annually to monitor the implementation of some elements of the strategy. The establishment of the group follows the National Business Events Strategy 2020, which was presented by industry to the Minister in October last year. To read the strategy, click here…