BTS: 2012 conference programme is online

Wednesday, 02.11.2011
London. The Business Travel Show’s (BTS) conference programme for the show on 7 and 8 February 2012 is now online, and new content directors Amon Cohen and Melanie Garrett are inviting leading buyers to put themselves forward to speak at UK’s event for business travel professionals.Featuring a total of 26 daily keynotes, panel debates, case studies and […]

London. The Business Travel Show’s (BTS) conference programme for the show on 7 and 8 February 2012 is now online, and new content directors Amon Cohen and Melanie Garrett are inviting leading buyers to put themselves forward to speak at UK’s event for business travel professionals.
Featuring a total of 26 daily keynotes, panel debates, case studies and buyer-only masterclasses, the Business Travel Show’s free-to-attend educational programme is renowned for providing high quality, practical and inspirational content and proves a huge draw for corporate travel buyers every year.
Created by two industry stalwarts with their finger on the pulse of corporate travel – now and in the future – the programme crosses every area of interest, including airlines, hotels, meetings, travel policy, technology, sustainability, global growth and cost-savings.
“We’re very excited about this year’s conference programme. It’s fast-paced, relevant and thought-provoking. But above all, it’s practical and wide-reaching, which means that all buyers will take information back to the office that can be instantly translated to helping them buy business travel even better,” commented event director David Chapple.
“It’s also a fantastic opportunity for buyers, who are so used to taking a back seat in the world of business travel, to share their knowledge and experiences for the good of the industry.”
Buyers who are interested in being considered as a potential speaker, moderator or panellist for any of the sessions should email Nominations close on Monday 7 November 2011.