Do it like Schumi!

Sunday, 28.05.2006
IMEX. Congress Allianz lets its customers start from pole position: Not only can they book ten venues but they can also get a real Formula One feeling in an original racing car simulator at IMEX 2006. With a bit of good luck they can even breathe some real exhaust fumes, since the ten destinations invite […]

IMEX. Congress Allianz lets its customers start from pole position: Not only can they book ten venues but they can also get a real Formula One feeling in an original racing car simulator at IMEX 2006. With a bit of good luck they can even breathe some real exhaust fumes, since the ten destinations invite guests to see the start of the long-distance race from the roof terrace of the TÜV Tower this July. Before that they can inspect the start line-up and visit the pit lane.