EMECA Members Continue Investing into Infrastructure and New Trade Fairs

Monday, 31.10.2016
EMECA Members are investing into upgrading their infrastructure and are planning to establish over 75 new trade fairs. This is the essence of this this autumn’s EMECA General Assembly hosted by Poznań International Fair (PIF).  After investing into new halls and restructuring existing space, PIF now offers a venue in the city centre of Poznań, […]

EMECA Members are investing into upgrading their infrastructure and are planning to establish over 75 new trade fairs. This is the essence of this this autumn’s EMECA General Assembly hosted by Poznań International Fair (PIF).  After investing into new halls and restructuring existing space, PIF now offers a venue in the city centre of Poznań, Poland. It has grown in the last years and now hosts 80 exhibitions and 270 events, welcoming nearly 10.000 exhibitors and roughly 650.000 visitors in 2015. All EMECA Members continue their efforts to offer high quality infrastructure to their customers. This includes a few new halls and additional exhibition space but essentially focusses on replacing, refurbishments, upgrading and maintenance. Most EMECA centres also focus on digital infrastructure for adequate connectivity, ticketing, entrances, displays, signage and advertising. The second trend is the development of new trade fairs both at the home premises and other venues worldwide and in Europe.

“We see that our results are on an ascending track – with excellent figures for some of the members. All EMECA members together achieved a turnover of EUR 3.631 billion in 2015. Additionally, we observe that the hard work to keep up to date with our venues in terms of technology, additional exhibitions and new events, enhanced services and new business models pays off”, outlines María Martinez, EMECA President.

Claude Membrez, General Manager of Palexpo Geneva (Switzerland), was elected as EMECA President for the upcoming two-year period of 2017 to 2018: “I am delighted and honoured to accept this appointment. I look forward to working with my fellow Board Members on many strategic topics and especially for EMECA’s 25th Anniversary in 2017.”
