Exhibition Industry 2013: growth in business

Wednesday, 15.01.2014
UFI’s Global Barometer. Results of UFI’s 12th Global Barometer survey confirm that the exhibition industry has grown in 2013.  Reviewing the consolidated results over 5 years, UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, has identified a majority of companies in all regions declaring an increase of their turnover since at least 2011. In addition, […]

UFI’s Global Barometer. Results of UFI’s 12th Global Barometer survey confirm that the exhibition industry has grown in 2013.  Reviewing the consolidated results over 5 years, UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, has identified a majority of companies in all regions declaring an increase of their turnover since at least 2011. In addition, around one company out of two declares an increase of more than 10% for 2013.

Still, 63% of the respondents declare that the impact of the “economic crisis” on their business is not yet over and most of them expect that it won’t be until 2015. In the meantime, most companies are planning new strategic developments with 75% planning new activities in either the classic range of exhibition activities (venue/organizer/services) or in live or virtual events (or both) and 49% planning to expand exhibition operations to new countries.

Paul Woodward, UFI Managing Director, concludes: “While we shall remain cautious about the development of the global economic situation, the exhibition media continues to demonstrate its strength with growth over the last 4 years. The industry remains remarkably dynamic with a majority of companies positively embracing the challenges of new ranges of activity or geographical development.”

The 12th Global Barometer survey, conducted in December 2013, was answered by 178 companies from 57 countries. Full results of the 12th Global Barometer Survey can be freely downloaded at www.ufi.org/research. The next UFI Global Barometer Survey will be conducted in June 2014.
