Fairnet: When fairs meet art …

Wednesday, 11.11.2009
Lighting. On 9 October Leipzig celebrated the 20th anniversary of its Peaceful Revolution. With a Light Parade it commemorated the Monday demonstrations that sparked the political transformation. Along the route of the 1989 demonstrations 20 artists installed works of light art. Leipzig commissioned Fairnet to realise these temporary installations. “It is extraordinary when a trade […]

Lighting. On 9 October Leipzig celebrated the 20th anniversary of its Peaceful Revolution. With a Light Parade it commemorated the Monday demonstrations that sparked the political transformation. Along the route of the 1989 demonstrations 20 artists installed works of light art. Leipzig commissioned Fairnet to realise these temporary installations. “It is extraordinary when a trade fair service provider is commissioned with the technical execution of art projects. Creativity is essential. In addition, countless organisational tasks had to be solved,” says Fairnet executive Dirk Deumeland. www.fairnet-service.com