Florence. 1800 delegates attended an important healthcare event to discuss changes to be adopted to improve the national health system and conditions of Italian citizens in a period of drastic health spending review dictated by the Government. Primary care as basis for indiscriminate and fair welfare; multipurpose ambulatories and H24 assistance for territorial medicine; medicine as high cultural value for citizens; vaccinations; new treatments for diabetes; prevention of cardiovascular diseases, sport and wellness – these themes and much more were discussed during the three-day congress of the Italian Society of General Medicine (SIMG) held in Florence 22-24 November and organised by AIM Group International’s Florence office.
“The welcome video speech of the Minister of Health Balduzzi, the presence of the General Director of AIFA and many other parliamentary and institutional representatives demonstrates the importance the role of general practitioners plays for the Italian National Health System. We are the main contact of patients and we play a strategic role for an indiscriminate primary care and assistance, accessible to all citizens,” affirms Claudio Cricelli, President of SIMG.
“2012 has been a year of great innovation for the general medicine and for SIMG. Along with the celebration for the 30th anniversary of the Society, we at AIM also celebrate the long partnership that links us with SIMG. In these first 10 years of collaboration, together we shared great successes and continuously improved our ways of working and achieving results. We have been growing together establishing a true stimulating teamwork,” affirms Francesca Manzani, Head of AIM Florence Office. Doctor Cricelli concludes “The great success and the numerous participation to the congress of the past and present years convinces us to reinforce our collaboration with AIM and to develop new platforms and formats for an innovative congress offering that is in line with the new educational needs of general practitioners, a profession in constant evolution”.