Kick-off: Green consultants for Germany

Monday, 20.02.2012
Training. The German Convention Bureau (GCB) has kicked off a training scheme for 250 sustainability consultants for businesses in the meetings and events industry. The first of six seminars will take place on 2/3 May at Maritim Hotel Frankfurt. Attendance is limited to 20 people, and the introductory fee is 390 euro. Further events are planned for […]

Training. The German Convention Bureau (GCB) has kicked off a training scheme for 250 sustainability consultants for businesses in the meetings and events industry. The first of six seminars will take place on 2/3 May at Maritim Hotel Frankfurt. Attendance is limited to 20 people, and the introductory fee is 390 euro. Further events are planned for Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin and Munich. The training is part of a project sponsored by the German Federal Environment Foundation (DBU). The European Association of Event Venues (EVVC) has also supported the initiative. 

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