Landau: Art Nouveau affects reptiles

Monday, 09.08.2004
As if the 100-year-old, completely refurbished Art Nouveau Festhalle Landau with space for 1,057 people in the plenum and six further rooms wasn’t extraordinary enough: Under the motto “Experience Südpfalz” you can choose between locations like medieval castles, wineries and zoos. In addition the privately run Reptilium has just opened its gates, an indoor zoo […]

As if the 100-year-old, completely refurbished Art Nouveau Festhalle Landau with space for 1,057 people in the plenum and six further rooms wasn’t extraordinary enough: Under the motto “Experience Südpfalz” you can choose between locations like medieval castles, wineries and zoos. In addition the privately run Reptilium has just opened its gates, an indoor zoo for reptiles and amphibians with a 600-sqm dessert hall for events.