Leipzig: Olympia as a meetings engine

Monday, 16.02.2004
Successful 2003 – this was the first year that over 100,000 visitors came to Congress Centre Leipzig, an 18 per cent increase. 85 conventions and 478 events took place in 2003 (2002: 60). Olympia arouses interest: “We can partly already feel the drive generated by Leipzig’s candidacy,” says Josef Rahmen, director of Leipzig Fair. www.do-it-at-leipzig.de

Successful 2003 – this was the first year that over 100,000 visitors came to Congress Centre Leipzig, an 18 per cent increase. 85 conventions and 478 events took place in 2003 (2002: 60). Olympia arouses interest: “We can partly already feel the drive generated by Leipzig’s candidacy,” says Josef Rahmen, director of Leipzig Fair. www.do-it-at-leipzig.de