London: New Business Tourism Working Group

Tuesday, 15.09.2009
Great Britain. The London Mayors Office today announced the formation of a new Business Tourism group to strengthen and develop London’s business tourism offering. The new group is an initiative being spearheaded and driven by Visit London with the full support and endorsement of Boris Johnson, his Economic Director of Policy Anthony Browne and Director of […]

Great Britain. The London Mayors Office today announced the formation of a new Business Tourism group to strengthen and develop London’s business tourism offering. The new group is an initiative being spearheaded and driven by Visit London with the full support and endorsement of Boris Johnson, his Economic Director of Policy Anthony Browne and Director of Marketing Dan Ritterband. The group will be looking at improving and building London’s business tourism offering before, during and after the 2012 Olympic Games, with a key focus on delivering conventions and events for London. This group will involve both the public and private sector to ensure that the City works together to bring further high profile events to the Capital.