Martin Sirk to Lead Global Association Hubs Partnership

Friday, 07.06.2019
The Global Association Hubs Partnership (GAHP) has appointed Martin Sirk to lead it into a new era as its International Advisor, following the previously announced retirement of Hervé Bosquet. In his new role since June 1th, Sirk will provide executive guidance and leadership to the partnership, building on the positive impact and progress made over the […]

The Global Association Hubs Partnership (GAHP) has appointed Martin Sirk to lead it into a new era as its International Advisor, following the previously announced retirement of Hervé Bosquet.

In his new role since June 1th, Sirk will provide executive guidance and leadership to the partnership, building on the positive impact and progress made over the first three years of its existence, underlining GAHP’s commitment to helping associations achieve their strategic goals, the organization says.

The appointment of Sirk, who previously served as CEO of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) for 16 years, was announced at IMEX in Frankfurt.

GAHP issued a Call for Candidates in early January 2019, re ceiving a strong number of submissions from a field of highly qualified candidates. Interviews were then conducted with three candidates, with Sirk emerging as the most suitable for the role.

As GAHP’s International Advisor, Sirk will have a broad range of responsibilities, including: advising, guiding and influencing the partnership in defining itsstrategy, overseeing its finances, planning and executing GAHP-powered partner and industry educational and networking events and creating brand awareness through effective communications, according to GAHP.

Sirk was CEO at ICCA between 2002 and 2018, during which membership expanded from approximately 600 to over 1,100 companies and organisations in almost 100 countries. His career has also included senior roles at Hilton Hotels, Brighton & Hove Council and the British Tourist Authority (now known as VisitBritain).