Merger of “Events by TLC” with “Case Imagine”

Wednesday, 27.07.2016
Leading Portuguese DMC with operations in Portugal, Spain and Brazil announces its merger with Sao Paulo based leading Live Events agency – Case Imagine. The combined group sees Case Imagine open in Lisbon and Madrid, to serve the domestic markets of Portugal and Spain whilst events by tlc expands in Florida to serve the international […]

Leading Portuguese DMC with operations in Portugal, Spain and Brazil announces its merger with Sao Paulo based leading Live Events agency – Case Imagine. The combined group sees Case Imagine open in Lisbon and Madrid, to serve the domestic markets of Portugal and Spain whilst events by tlc expands in Florida to serve the international clients.  It is part of a strategy to widen the service offering across key markets in the Ibero- American trading block and brings together 150 talented and passionate professionals with global skills but acting locally.
“Both companies share a similar ambition to be the best through creative solutions, innovation, talented teams and high levels of customer service, said Group CEO Diogo Assis. “As the market has developed and the needs of clients changed we have seen the demands for a wider service offering and this has been one of the key drivers for expansion.  The ability to offer more services to a broader range of clients results from this merger”.

events by tlc will focus on the incoming services for international meetings and incentives and events whilst Case Imagine focuses on Live Marketing, content creation, web & social media, video marketing and will also be the brand for sports events as a new discipline.