More international knowledge events

Thursday, 11.04.2013
Utrecht. This year, the province and city of Utrecht will make additional investments in order to bring in more knowledge events. Congress organisers can count on concrete financial support if they are committed to organising and/or holding an already existing knowledge event in Utrecht. These concern congresses under the themes of life sciences, creative industries, […]

Utrecht. This year, the province and city of Utrecht will make additional investments in order to bring in more knowledge events. Congress organisers can count on concrete financial support if they are committed to organising and/or holding an already existing knowledge event in Utrecht. These concern congresses under the themes of life sciences, creative industries, care and sustainability. The fund of €100,000.00 will be used this year only. The contribution for relevant knowledge events has been set at a maximum of €10,000.00 per congress on a first come, first served basis. The province and city are thus investing in a counter-cyclical manner in these times of cutbacks.

Tourism Utrecht coordinates the congress fund for the benefit of the city of Utrecht, as well as the other regions in the province. Ronald Trum, Managing Director of Tourism Utrecht: ‘The congress fund is a collaboration between the city and the province and allows us to showcase the Utrecht region to more knowledge institutions. In particular, existing events by associations that had not previously been to Utrecht are welcomed to the province. In addition to the congress fund, we have a bid fund, ensuring a financial contribution as well as mediation in hotel rooms required, the production of a bid book, the supervision of site inspections and support in the social programme options in relation to congresses. These latter activities are provided by Tourism Utrecht free of charge and explicitly for the city of Utrecht itself. Other regions in Utrecht also provide these services.’