New Certification: IEC – International Event Certification

Friday, 18.02.2022

IEC, International Event Certification is a new certification expressly conceived for meeting professionals and wedding planners.

Photo: Lewis Keegan/Unsplash

The International Event Certification is the only one certified by the AJA Europe Group and valid all over the world, as well as unique to specifically address both the wedding and the meeting industries. Suppliers and even major venues may get certified too.

IEC aims at internationally acknowledging professionals’ quality, thus creating a community of networking, apprenticeships and growth.
24 countries are represented by 17 international professionals of undisputed fame, enrolled as Country Partner Examiners, plus another 100 leading international partners for post-exam apprenticeship programs.

The certification is obtained after examination – a written and oral test currently scheduled only face-to-face by international professional examiners and validated both by AJA Europe and the Country partner examiner. Conflicts of interest are not tolerated, and a proven experience in the examination field is strictly required. To be admitted, one must create a portfolio by following a checklist issued at the time of registration. One can submit for only one certification as well as for more than one, always following the checklist. Admission is finalized by the Country partner, who checks and verifies the checklist. Each exam involves a full day of written and oral test.

The mark is expressed in hundredths. The exam is passed with a minimum grade of 65/100. Three levels, depending on the grade:
• 65-84/100: professional
• 85-9 /100: élite
• 100/100: master

Each of these levels gives access to different privileges, listed on the site.

