New presence

Wednesday, 09.04.2008
Branch. The VOK DAMS GRUPPE opened a new branch in Frankfurt in January 2008. This new presence in the Main metropolis was a response to new projects and customers in the Rhine-Main region. And the proximity to cooperation partner Sportmarketing Agency Team Feldmann will generate favourable synergies. Colja M. Dams, head of the Vok Dams […]

Branch. The VOK DAMS GRUPPE opened a new branch in Frankfurt in January 2008. This new presence in the Main metropolis was a response to new projects and customers in the Rhine-Main region. And the proximity to cooperation partner Sportmarketing Agency Team Feldmann will generate favourable synergies. Colja M. Dams, head of the Vok Dams Gruppe, is optimistic: “The growth of regional ties in Frankfurt also means a major advantage for us and our co-operation.”,