Oldtimer Grand Prix: vintage car incentive

Monday, 16.02.2004
From 6 to 8 August 2004 the Nürburgring will be the centre of historical motor sports on the occasion of the 32nd AvD Oldtimer Grand Prix for vintage cars. The eleven motor races can be used for a wide variety of events including cart riding at Nürburg cart track, helicopter tours or a separate VIP […]

From 6 to 8 August 2004 the Nürburgring will be the centre of historical motor sports on the occasion of the 32nd AvD Oldtimer Grand Prix for vintage cars. The eleven motor races can be used for a wide variety of events including cart riding at Nürburg cart track, helicopter tours or a separate VIP lounge above the pit lane for 30 to 250 people. Some races can be sponsored in whole or in part. www.ogpracing.de