Switzerland Convention & Incentive Bureau. At its General Meeting on 2 May 2013 in Zurich, Philippe Vignon was elected president of the management committee of the Switzerland Convention & Incentive Bureau (SCIB). The aim of the association is to develop convention and incentive tourism on behalf of its members
In an increasingly competitive environment, the aim of the SCIB is to support business tourism in Switzerland, a sector vital to the country’s economy. “Switzerland is known for the quality of its infrastructure and services in the field of conventions. I am proud to preside over the SCIB, the dedicated Swiss Tourism organisation which strives to keep Switzerland among the leading countries in terms of associative, corporate and incentive conventions,” said Philippe Vignon.
In 2011, the SCIB helped to organise 43% of international events held over several days in Switzerland. The same year, the conference sector generated nearly 6.6 million overnight stays for the hotel industry, representing 19% of the total number of overnight stays (35.4 million). The SCIB is present in Europe, North America and Russia. New markets such as India, China, Brazil, Spain and Australia offer high potential for Switzerland in terms of conventions and incentive trips.