ROI Seminars worldwide

Wednesday, 29.10.2008
ROI. The trend towards better measurement of meetings and events is becoming stronger as more meeting planners learn how to do it. Through a joint effort by Meeting Professionals International (MPI), and Jack Phillips of the ROI Institute, more than 20 years of ROI measurement experience in the training industry is being made available to […]

ROI. The trend towards better measurement of meetings and events is becoming stronger as more meeting planners learn how to do it. Through a joint effort by Meeting Professionals International (MPI), and Jack Phillips of the ROI Institute, more than 20 years of ROI measurement experience in the training industry is being made available to meeting planners worldwide. European Event ROI Institute offers a regular 1-day Event ROI courses in 15 European cities. The course covers all aspects and levels of event evaluation, from the simple satisfaction surveys that you do for every event, to the complete financial ROI impact study which you may want to do for large and expensive events.

In addition to developing ROI for a variety of meetings, participants learn how to advise and assist others with the ROI Process. Specific objectives focus on:
• Linking meetings to business impact measures
• Selecting appropriate data collection methods
• Selecting appropriate methods for isolating the effects
• Converting data to monetary values.
• Developing detailed evaluation plans for a variety of meetings
• Applying data analysis techniques
• Developing a detailed implementation plan for ROI
• Monitoring and coordinating the ROI process
• Developing internal evaluation reports