Site Germany: 20th Anniversary

Thursday, 03.06.2010
Frankfurt.IMEX 2010 was a memorable occasion for Site Germany. Over 300 industry colleagues attended the Site International Foundation’s 1st SiteNite Europe on Monday, 24th May 2010, in the InterConti Hotel Frankfurt, where details of the new Site Germany / Site International Foundation German Market Study were announced. This study follows upon seminal Site Germany research in […]

Frankfurt.IMEX 2010 was a memorable occasion for Site Germany. Over 300 industry colleagues attended the Site International Foundation’s 1st SiteNite Europe on Monday, 24th May 2010, in the InterConti Hotel Frankfurt, where details of the new Site Germany / Site International Foundation German Market Study were announced. This study follows upon seminal Site Germany research in 2000. It will examine the current state of play in the German motivational experiences travel market, trends and developments in procurement, and future applications for incentive and motivational travel. Results are to be published end-September 2010.
Site Germany is also grateful to Site members and friends who took time out to attend the Site Germany 20th Anniversary reception on Wednesday, 26th May 2010, on the Munich IMEX Stand. It was a highly enjoyable occasion for all present. The event was addressed by Brenda Anderson, CEO, Site Global, by Faye Beauchine, Chair, Site International Foundation and by Site President-Elect, Mary MacGregor.
Site Germany looks forward to new levels of vitality over the coming year. In the words of Site Global 2010 President, Seán Mahoney: ‘There is a significant difference between belonging to Site and participating in Site. The more involved you are, the greater the rewards!’ Site Germany President Linda Baumgartner looks forward to welcoming many new members – new young leaders in particular! ‘These are the future of all our companies and of our global industry!’ says Site Germany Vice-President Dr. Patrick Patridge.