Focused. Organisers of some of Sydney’s most recent international conferences shared their tips for success at a special seminar last week – with the need for a good online marketing strategy featuring high on the list.
The Platform09 seminar, which aims to help associations bidding for and staging international events, heard from organisers of the 4300-delegate XXII International Congress of the Transplantation Society 2008, the 5th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry World Congress 2008, and the upcoming 15th World Conference on Lung Cancer to be held in 2013.
Among their many tips, the speakers told delegates about the power of a good website, the effectiveness of e-marketing, the importance of adopting an early sponsorship strategy and the need to cull non-performers from committees. Organised by the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre and Business Events Sydney, the event also included speakers from both bodies as well as professional conference organisers and the New South Wales Government.
Centre Chief Executive Ton van Amerongen said the Platform seminar – now in its 20th year – played an important role in encouraging associations to bid for and stage successful events in Sydney. Mr van Amerongen said Platform09 coincided with a successful start to the 2009-10 financial year for the Centre with four new events won recently, including the Conference of Asia and Pacific Band Directors’ Association in 2016, and a further 14 decisions imminent.