T-City Friedrichshafen

Sunday, 29.04.2007
Lake of Constance. Among 52 cities, Friedrichshafen has been elected T-City by Deutsche Telekom. Until 2012 it can look forward to an investment of 35m euros in broadband infrastructure and another 80m in project ideas. Tourism director and centre manager Dietmar Philipp is happy about this chance to improve his offerings. The latest product is […]

Lake of Constance. Among 52 cities, Friedrichshafen has been elected T-City by Deutsche Telekom. Until 2012 it can look forward to an investment of 35m euros in broadband infrastructure and another 80m in project ideas. Tourism director and centre manager Dietmar Philipp is happy about this chance to improve his offerings. The latest product is a CongressCard with benefits that will make the expected 4,000 delegates return on a holiday trip. www.gzh.de , www.friedrichshafen.de