UFI publishes European statistics for 2022

Friday, 22.12.2023
The International Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) has recently published the Euro Fair Statistics annual report for the 2022 trade fair year.
Photo: Unsplash

Photo: Unsplash

The report contains detailed data on the European trade fair market in 14 countries. The certified data is collected by a network of eleven industry associations from across the continent.

“Compared to the 2021 edition, this new edition of the annual Euro Fair Statistics report includes data for more than double the total number of fairs, highlighting the post-Covid-19 upswing in fairs. However, it remains below the 2019 level, with fewer countries covered, as some markets are still in the process of revising reporting after the pandemic – an effect we should overcome next year,” says Kai Hattendorf, UFI Managing Director and CEO.

The report’s statistics cover 1,826 trade fairs with a total area of 18.4 million square meters and 44.4 million registered visitors. A total of around 440,000 exhibiting companies took part. The UFI estimates that this data covers around 47 percent of the European trade fair market and includes 183 trade fairs that have been awarded the title “UFI Approved Event”. 40 percent of the trade fairs were aimed at trade visitors and 27 percent at the general public, while 33 percent addressed both groups.

The full Euro Fair Statistics 2022 study can be downloaded for free here.